Hey, welcome to my blog! From this post i'm starting my anime blog, while keeping my blog i will follow some netiquette rules and you should too, because following this rules will make it sure that your internet experience is safe and pleasent so is the experience of people you are communicating with! Here's my list:
  1. Don't be rude, stay human, remember that internet communication is much like real life coversation, don't write offensive things that you wouldn't say to your interlocutor
  2. Be carefull! Don't go to suspicious links, don't reveal sensitive information
  3. Remember how internet works: what you post online stays online FOREVER! So don't post stuff you may be ashamed of years later
  4. Create backups of important files, you sure don't want to lose those things precious to you 😳
  5. Lots of people advice to use antivirus software, but i'll say that you shouldn't! Antiviruses consume lot's of pc's memory, and  they are actually not that protective. It's not a program but you who should protect your pc
  6. Respect other's people privacy, don't post pictures of people online without asking for their permission
  7. Respect copyright rules, yeah, you may have different opinions about them, if you don't like them you should say about it and try to fight it maybe, but you should abide them anyway, as in modern world they are usually written in law, so violating them may cause you troubles
  8. Share your knowledge and share your original content, internet is a great way to express your works, i guess it was made for it, so why not?
  9. Overall make a good impression, follow grammar and spelling rules, be nice!
  10. Make internet experience better for everyone. Standup for yourself, but don't hurt other's people's feelings too!


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  4. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

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  7. 안녕하세요! and I dont even care that blog is about japanese at all

  8. ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ okeey, I will follow them


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